Everyone loves to talk about how wonderful expanding your consciousness is.
How wonderful it is to manifest your dream life.
How wonderful it is to "level up" and raise your vibration.
And although all that is wonderful and lovely there's also the other side to it.
A painful side.
A sad side.
A challenging side.
And a lot of times, a lonely side.
People don't typically talk about the challenges that come in your marriage when you and your spouse don't really know how to hang out or how to even talk to each other because you two are not the same people you once were.
Or how you and your family can no longer have meaningful conversations because of how different your viewpoints are today.
Or how misunderstood you feel because people in your life make fun of your belief system and the way you now show up in this world.
This. Shit. Hurts.
And I'm not saying it has to be painful. Kudos to you if you're handling this growth a lot better than I am!
But in my journey and experience, this last year- more so these last few months, I have had to learn how to navigate through a grieving phase of what once was.
I cannot even tell you how many times I've just cried either to myself or to my husband because of this wonky transition we've been in. A growth transition but a transition for sure.
It's both a grievance of my old life and my old relationships that have dissolved.
It's a grievance of the old identities and stories that no longer serve me like they once did.
It's a grievance of the life we used to live versus the one we live today.
So. Much. Has. Changed!
All for the best.
All for growth.
And all to teach us.
But never the less, a big change.
I remember writing one day,
“It’s so much easier giving up and just reverting to your old ways”
…But is it though?
Because if I remember correctly, my old ways were pretty f*cked up. 😜
No, this path is not ‘easy’
But in this life, we have choice.
You can choose to be stuck in your old patterns
Or choose the road less traveled.
...So yes, there’s a grieving phase of the ‘old’ and who knows maybe there always will be, but I have learned how to rely on the Truth of God’s eternal love & the truth of who I AM.
And those TRUTHS are what make this path worth it.
The Truth that I am uniquely and wonderfully made in the image of God- Just as you are.
The Truth that I am free to express myself in my most authentic way- Just as you are.
The Truth that I am divine in all the ways that I show up as- Just as you are.
And the Truth that I have free will and power of choice- Just as you do.
Therefore we get to show up in this life as we choose to.
Yes, it's been challenging.
It's been lonely, and it's been painful.
But I have a choice every day and I continue to show up powerfully and fully for
mySelf, my family, and my community.
I choose to have the hard painful conversations with the people I want to continue doing life with.
I choose to get to know my husband as this new version of both him and I.
I choose to let go of what once was to step into what is today <3
And By choosing all that, I have opened up so much new into my life.
Life is going to continue to push you to evolve.
So buckle up, put your big girl panties on, and lean into this growth journey, baby!
Thank you for reading. I would love to hear what you think of this path and share any hardships you've overcome during this walk in life.
I trust that you take from this what you needed and that my healing heart spoke out to your healing heart.
I love you! 🫶
It may feel lonely but you're not alone. You. Are. Held.
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