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If You Feel There's Something Missing...

I remember always trying to find “my thing.”

I always felt like there was so much more for me like I had so much more for this world.

But I didn’t know what it was.

I remember when I had my second baby (6 years ago) and thought “I’m just meant to be the best mom I can be.” And how true that is still today.

I AM meant to be the best mom I can be but not JUST that.

I am also meant to be the best wife I can be.

The best daughter I can be, the best sister, friend, and the best leader I can be.

I am meant to be the best, the highest, most expressed person I can be altogether.

And I remember constantly trying to find something outside of me to validate that.


I was always looking at things to DO rather than looking at things to BE.

As far as my career goes, I kept sabotaging everything in front of me in unconscious ways.

The lack of commitment and the procrastination was wild I tell you 🙃


I didn’t find my “thing”, my missing piece until I started doing my trauma work.

It wasn’t until I realized that I just needed to focus on ME.

Focus on my mental health, focus on my kids, focus on being present, and focus on BEING period.

I took time to slow down, to stop trying to figure out my life and I took time to just sit with myself.

So much was going on inside I had so many questions.

Questions like,

How the hell did I get here?

Why am I the way I am?

Why am I not 'further along' in life?

Why am I stuck here?

What is missing?


And I discovered what was missing...

I was missing.

I wasn't me.

We are not who we truly are when we carry around shit from the past that needs to be neutralized and released.

We are not who we truly are when we allow our false beliefs to pull us like puppets on puppet strings.

We are not who we truly are when we have a cloudy mirror reflecting a distorted image back at us.

You will make decisions that aren’t fully aligned.

You will continue to self-sabotage (unknowingly) your career, your relationships, and your health.

You will not live a life that’s fully expressed as who you TRULY are underneath all the bullshit that has led you to believe this is it for you.


If you are living a decent life but don’t understand why you feel like there’s something still missing, it is because YOU ARE MISSING my love!

You are not You.

It’s who you think you should be, who people told you you needed to be or who you think you deserve to be.


My journey has allowed me to see that all the things I was doing or planning on doing were on the right track.

I always “blogged” on social media about my motherhood struggles. ( this was me just needing an outlet to express )


I’ve always started a “ health journey” but would revert to my old ways before I could start seeing or feeling results.

I always spoke to people about life, about God, about spirituality, and I’ve always had the transparency I have today (depending on who you were 🤪) but that was all clouded by my past experiences.

I didn't see those things as worthy and definitely didn't feel like it would take me anywhere because I said so.

I didn't see the worth of all of it until I found myself under all the bullshit, cloudy shit, surface shit I was living from.


Until I arrived.

I arrived, *and no it's not like 'oh I did it I'm here and done.'*

I am arriving every day.

Every day is an arrival point, every day is a destination.

I have arrived!

It’s me who now knows the Truth of why I exist.

And the value I bring to this world through my blog, through my deep spiritual conversations, through my sacred vessel and my health journey.

I have arrived.

I found me.

Today, I’m here.

I’m present.

I’m fulfilled.

My cup overflows.

And I don’t look at the future or my life as something I DO.

I know life is to be experienced fully.

Life is to enjoy it.

Life LIFES for me and it has nothing to do with what I DO,

And has everything to do with who I BE.

Who I show up as each and every morning and throughout my day.


My childhood trauma followed me into adulthood.

I questioned my worth at all times without knowing it.

Nothing I did ever felt good enough.

But I'm here to remind you that it is your BIRTH RIGHT to live a life of happiness and peace,

But the one thing you need for that is You.


If you feel like there’s something missing in your life but when you look on the outside you have it all, it's because that missing piece is You.

All of life is designed for your awakening, so wake up honey it's time to be the best, most expressed person you can be, find your missing piece, find yourself, and love this beautiful life we get to experience. <3

If this resonated I want to know where you are in your journey and how I can support you in your personal and spiritual growth.

Drop a comment or contact me directly <3

I love you so much.

Im rooting for you!

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Our next in-person event is March 6th in OKC & April 4th in Derby Kansas, click the link to learn more or to grab your tickets.- Spots are limited to keep the potency and the intimacy of the event. <3

Come back home to you to find your missing piece <3

Check out our last two events:

Email with any questions or concerns ✨

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Feel free to drop a comment if this resonated and let me know how I can support you in your journey back home to Self 🪶✨

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