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Blind Spots. -Journal Prompts

Updated: Jan 2

Last week I shared I was taking a self-care week to self-reflect, use this time to allow God to show me what is no longer in alignment and to recognize what I would like to lean further into…


It has been quite the ride!

Seeing a wound of mine that I have been dismissing and avoiding hit me right in the face-

✨ (fear of rejection)

Seeing where I was staying in a place where I was not able to fully express my unique expression and ✨voice- (because of that wound i speak of)

Seeing how my closer relationships were influencing my energy without my awareness-

(allowing external noise affect my inner world)

Seeing how I tried to fit into a space and environment KNOWING DAMN WELL I did not fit in that environment. (dismissing my intuition)

When you outgrow certain people, places, and things, GOD WILL SHOW YOU, Your body will tell you, your intuition will speak!

And if you continue to make excuses for people and the way they show up, you will, like me, get smacked in the face with it ;P

My body was speaking to me but I kept pushing through it.

Feelings of stress, overwhelm & frustration was surfacing and that's when I realized something is really "off" -out of alignment for me.

Through some processes I have learned from my studies as well as my own personal practice I saw so clearly what this season of my life was for-

This season

I recognize & let go of people, places & things I have come to completion with.

I release distractions & step further into the leadership role I am here to step into

I thank God/my higher self for always guiding, always placing that next step right in front of me even when I can’t see it coming.

I thank my current self and my past self for continuing to show the F up!

“And I will continue.”

I have learned.

I have died.

I have been reborn.

“And I will continue.”

I am so grateful for my spiritual practices that ground me and give me clarity. 🍃✨🪶

I’m so deeply grateful for the sacred medicine I choose to add into my practice and the beautiful connection we share ✨

“And I will continue”

I share this because it has been uncomfortable-

recognizing these feelings have been uncomfortable-

seeing these wounds be revealed to me has been uncomfortable-

but we cannot grow if we don’t lean into the discomfort.

Big shifts-

Massive cellular upgrades-

So my invitation for you is to sit still for a little.

Write down your thoughts and feelings in this moment.

Continue to write until you feel something spoke to you.

And dive deeper into that conversation.

Journal Prompts:

  1. "Where in life am I settling?

  2. "In which way am I dismissing my intuition?"(what is something you know but you keep giving it excuses)

  3. "Show me what i need to let go of."

I’m so honored to be here in this time. ✨

“And I will continue”

And YOU will continue.

Book a free discovery call to see your blind spots & where you are settling <3

With so much love,

Zuleica Vasquez


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